Coco Growbags

Coco grow bags are perfect for growing all sorts of produce, ensuring you have a green thumb! We at Brown Gold Exim are exporting Coco Grow Bags made from durable coir pith fiber blended with excellent quality short coir fiber, are designed to last. We create the opportunities for everyone to grow healthy food and flowers in their own backyard. It's so easy!

Start sowing the seeds for your next meal. Coco grow bags are perfect for anyone who needs to get their fruit and veggie fix every day! They come with small pre-holes, so be sure to keep them moist so they can stay healthy too.

Our Coco Grow Bags are made from the all natural weed-free coir pith fibers giving your plant unprecedented protection from insects and weeds. It's so easy! Simple unroll, soak in water and place potting mix inside the bag just like potting a conventional planting container and be amazed as your seeds sprout and thrive without having to worry about pesky insect infestations.

Think of the happiest place on earth. Now multiply it by a thousand and you’ll have some idea how exciting our products are. But don’t take our word for it, check out what these happy customers had to say. These bag of wonders do everything from getting rid of bad smells to reducing watering frequency - saving space and money!